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Defensive Driving Course

Click Below To Reduce Points On Your Driver's License
And Get A Discount On Your Car's Insurance

What Is The Defensive Driving Course?

The defensive driving course also referred to as the 6 hour class are offered by service providers in NYS. It is often confused with the 5 hour class or the 5 hour pre-licensing course.

The 5 hour class is for student drivers. In order to take the 5 hour class in NY, you required to have a NYS learner's permit. If you are looking for the 5 hour class, click here.

If you have a driver's license and you are looking to reduce points or receive a discount on you car's insurance, you should take the 6 hour class also known as the defensive driving course. Click here to register for the 6 hour course.

We act as a conduit for the service provider who provide the course to you online. It is indeed six hours but the good thing about doing it online is that you have an entire month to complete the course.

So you can log on do and hour and then log off. You can do this repeatedly until you have completed the course.

If you are in a hurry and you need your certificate quickly, you can complete the course in one sitting (6 hours) and have the certificate shipped over night express to you.

Click The Big, Green Button Below Now To Get Started!